Conservation Volunteers at Murray Harbour, PEI (Photo by Stephen DesRoches)

Conservation Volunteers at Murray Harbour, PEI (Photo by Stephen DesRoches)

Stories From the Field

  • Beach walk at St. Peters Lake Run Nature Reserve (Photo by Lanna Campbell/NCC staff)
    The healing power of dunes

    Find out how NCC is helping educate the public about the effects of hurricanes on our coastal landscapes.
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  • Upper Ohio, NS (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
    Be thankful for nature, and nature will thank you

    Every October, Atlantic Canadians are treated to a natural phenomenon, as our landscapes transform into a vivid wash of vibrant oranges, yellows and reds. At NCC we are thankful for Atlantic Canada’s diverse habitats, which provide us with important ecosystem services.
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  • Summer's End (Photo by Julia Ball/NCC staff)
    Summer adventures with interns in Atlantic Canada

    As summer 2023 comes to an end, let’s celebrate the success of Nature Conservancy of Canada interns in Atlantic Canada and their projects. Read more.
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  • Atlantic Interns gathering at Johnson's Mills Nature Reserve (Photo by NCC Staff)
    Interns of Atlantic Canada

    Looking after migratory shorebirds, debris cleanup, bringing awareness to communities and more — the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) interns of 2022 did it all. Read along to learn more about these eager young individuals and their achievements over the summer.
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  • Volunteers from the Royal Canadian Navy planting trees, Governors Island, PEI (Photo by NCC)
    Royal Canadian Navy volunteers help plant trees

    When you’re reforesting an island, it’s handy to have friends with boats. Thank you to the members of the Royal Canadian Navy who volunteered to help plant 100 trees on Governors Island.
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  • Hannah Kiensle (Photo by NCC)
    Giant dandelion taking up space

    We are working to remove perennial sow-thistle (giant dandelion) an aggressive invasive species from Blooming Point.
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