Île aux Grues upper marsh (Photo by NCC)

Île aux Grues upper marsh (Photo by NCC)

Donor Spotlight

  • Arnold Raymond (Photo by La Halte Studio)
    Glen Sutton – Arnold Raymond: A nature lover protects his land forever

    “The day we signed the papers at the notary's office was the happiest day of my life,” says Arnold Raymond, a resident of Glen Sutton, in the Eastern Townships. A nature lover, Arnold made an exceptional gift to future generations by donating his land to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) for protection. This is his story.

  • Donald Johnston (courtesy of Heather Johnston)
    Remembering Donald Johnston, a conservation hero with a monumental legacy and impact

    Passionate, creative and accomplished are just a few of the many ways that those who have had the fortune to know Donald Johnston remember him. In February 2022, Donald passed away peacefully at age 85, surrounded by loved ones. His legacy lives on and continues to give back to his community by way of art, charity and environmental protection.

  • Bob Winsor, 1939–2021 (Photo by Martin Beaulieu)
    Celebrating Bob Winsor’s life: Inventing for society and caring for nature

    Best known for his inventions that transformed the railway industry, Robert Beck Winsor, known as Bob, left behind many a legacy.

  • Pierre Des Marais II (Photo courtesy of Pierre Des Marais)
    Pierre Des Marais II, OC: adviser, nature lover and friend

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) owes its success to a variety of partners: businesspeople, members of our board, donors and friends. Pierre Des Marais II belonged to all of these categories.

  • Kenauk, Quebec (Photo by Mike Dembeck)
    Cogeco: call of the wild

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is proud to have Cogeco as a partner in our five-year commitment to protect nature and its wonders.

  • Joan Macfarlane Bailin, 1924-2018 (Photo courtesy of Wendy Rimmer)
    Her final gift: A legacy that will live on for generations to come

    A social worker who dedicated her professional life to helping others, Joan Macfarlane Bailin also put in countless volunteer hours for the causes she held close to her heart.

  • Thor Vikström, custodian of the Vikström Island nature sanctuary, QC (Photo by Ralph Samson)
    Laval - Thor Vikström, custodian of the Vikström Island natural sanctuary

    An island, surrounded by large cities, finds a benefactor...

  • Alfred-Kelly Nature Reserve, QC (Photo by NCC)
    A creative contribution to a cause: the gift of words of Patrick

    While some donors give the gift of money and others offer land, Patrick has chosen to offer NCC the gift of his time and expertise. Since 2013, he has translated tens, if not hundreds, of texts from French to English. But for the last little while, Patrick has been doing this work pro bono.

  • Joël Bonin and Dax Dasilva (Photo by NCC)
    Age of Union: A new and crucial partner for the St. Lawrence River

    Nature has a way of showing us what is important. In September 2020, tech leader and founder of Age of Union, Dax Dasilva, and I found ourselves on an odyssey down the St. Lawrence River, journeying through ecosystems as unique as you and me.

  • Patrick Pichette (Photo courtesy of Patrick Pichette)
    Patrick Pichette

    Patrick and three other Canadian families became the proud owners of 20,234 hectares (50,000 acres) encompassing more than 60 lakes midway between Ottawa and Montreal. What’s more, he and his partners donated the funds that enabled NCC to acquire an adjoining 6,000-hectare (15,000-acre) corridor.

  • Luana Boulanger (Photo by Maria Navarro)
    Luana Boulanger: For the love of the land

    On the land she has come to love deeply, Luana Boulanger reflects on the beauty of nature and its benefits and meditates on its complex and delicate balance. By donating her property to a partner organization of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), she is ensuring a future for this place that inspires contemplation and learning.

  • Matyas Henn (Photo by NCC)
    Matyas Henn: protecting where the animals live

    You’re never too young to protect nature. Take Matyas Henn, age 4, who recently donated all of his pocket money to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).

  • Trail marking at Alfred-Kelly Nature Reserve (Photo by NCC)
    Paul Archer’s challenge

    At the end of 2018, Paul Archer, chair of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)'s regional board and a loyal NCC partner, took up a fundraising challenge. Its goal: to support NCC in our efforts to provide access to nature through the development of safe trails.

  • Paul Archer (NCC), Denis Paradis (Government of Canada), Jean Laporte (NCC), Isabelle Charest (Government of Quebec), Robert Winsor (donor), Marie-Josée Auclair (Appalachian Corridor), Joël Bonin (NCC), Mélanie Lelièvre (Appalachian Corridor), Michel Saucier (donor), Gisèle Beaulieu (donor), Jacques Drolet (Bolton-Ouest) and Bertrand Larivée (Conservation lac à la Truite Orford) (Photo by Martin Beaulieu)
    They’re protecting the Green Mountains

    Sometimes, it’s a special love for a region that motivates our donors. A look at our recent recognition event in the heart of the Green Mountains, in the Eastern Townships, is a shining example of that.

  • Shirley Gavlas (Photo by Martin Beaulieu)
    NCC, as seen by our donors

    What does NCC mean to our donors? Three of them generously took the time to let us know.

Supporter Spotlight

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