Peter Solonysznyj (Photo by Silvana Pozzebon)
Peter Solonysznyj, long-time NCC volunteer and donor in Quebec
Peter Solonysznyj has been a faithful and committed donor, Leader in Conservation and Conservation V with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 2008. Learn about what motivates him to be such a nature lover.
“I am a city boy. I grew up in an old industrial neighbourhood. I have spent my entire life living close to downtown Montreal. So why do I support the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)? Why do I occasionally spend a day in the country cleaning up a mess left behind by ‘civilization,’ or pulling out plants that never should have crossed the Atlantic Ocean? Because I feel a deep need to do something to help conserve nature in Canada. I enjoy hiking. The mountains, rivers and lakes of eastern Canada touch something inside of me. Helping NCC financially, and occasionally physically, are the best ways I know to leave a positive legacy behind me.
In 2006, I attended a talk by the great biologist Edward O. Wilson. A member of the audience asked Prof. Wilson about his thoughts concerning our moral obligation to ensure the survival of our species for future generations. Wilson replied that we certainly have that responsibility, but he felt an even greater moral imperative: to stop destroying the environment so that other species can continue on their evolutionary path. If our actions drive humanity to extinction, that would be tragic, but what moral right do we have to destroy the environment necessary to the survival of other species of plants and animals with whom we share this planet?
So, when NCC acquires land to protect salamanders, or turtles, or rare finches, I get it. And I want to do what I can to help.”