Stream, Northern Green Mountains (Photo by NCC)

Stream, Northern Green Mountains (Photo by NCC)

Bolton Hills (Photo by NCC)

Bolton Hills (Photo by NCC)

Q&A with Joan, long-time NCC donor in Quebec

Joan has been a faithful and committed donor to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 2004. Learn about her connections to nature and why she remains a long-time supporter of NCC.

NCC: How did you first discover NCC?

J: Shortly after I began working, a co-worker, knowing of my great interest in nature, shared some information about NCC with me. Initially, I was attracted by NCC's role in securing land to protect habitat. It was inspiring to learn how NCC works with existing property owners and other conservation organizations at the grassroots level. I also liked that it was a highly regarded and efficient charity, giving donors a “bang for their buck.”

All of this is still true today.

NCC: Why is nature important to you?

J: When I grew up, we had vacant lots, swamps and ponds in our local neighbourhoods. They felt huge in their importance to us, even if they were actually quite small in size! These small areas immersed us in nature, feeding our sense of curiosity and developing our sense of wonder.

My parents showed us how to enjoy the outdoors and appreciate nature in all its forms. The simple pleasures of noticing rabbit tracks under a hedge, the wonder of migrating geese, a small stream tumbling downhill in its rush to the sea, a magnificent vistas of mountains and valleys are all rewarding and so satisfying. There’s nothing like being in nature — whether hiking, snowshoeing, skiing, walking or just sitting — to help you escape the day-to-day stresses and restore equilibrium. 

It’s been found those who enjoy time in nature are much healthier, physically and mentally. In short, we win if we look after nature. We are part of nature, and whatever happens to the environment and its varied life forms affects humans, both in the short and long term.

NCC: What motivates you to continue your support of NCC?

J: I believe in supporting NCC to protect our special places and their unique biodiversity. Whether by monthly or annual donations, gifts of stocks, annuities, RRSPs, bequests, in memoriam donations or by joining the Nature Legacy Society, there’s a way for everyone to contribute in a way that suits them, and together we safeguard property for posterity. 

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