Portage Lake, White Mountains (Photo by Claude Duchaîne)

Portage Lake, White Mountains (Photo by Claude Duchaîne)

Portage Lake - A place of ecological and historical wealth

Portage Lake property, Beauce, QC (photo by NCC)

Portage Lake property, Beauce, QC (photo by NCC)

The Portage Lake property adjoins a 1,300-square-kilometre protected area in the Unites States. It provides suitable habitat for wide-ranging mammals, such as moose, black bear, Canada lynx and deer. The property boasts four large water bodies, including Portage Lake — the largest lake in the Beauce region. The many streams and wetlands on the property are home to numerous amphibians, fish and waterfowl. Unique plants, such as the beautiful maidenhead fern, a vulnerable species in Québec, as well as orchids, such as pink lady's-slipper, roundleaf orchid and clubspur orchid, contribute to the rich diversity of this natural environment.

This new conservation area spans more than 28 square kilometres (2,800 hectares) located on the outskirts of the Chaudières-Appalaches region. The protection of this beautiful land will be ensured by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), thanks to the various partners who helped secure the property.

A natural legacy

The Breakey family began building rustic and ecologically friendly cabins on the land in the earlyt 1900s. As early as 1920, the family sought to conserve this magnificent heritage. They turned it into a hunting and fishing club, ensuring the wildlife would be responsibly managed. However, it wasn't until 2013 that Rex Scott, the Breakey's grandson, bequeathed the majestic natural beauty of the area to future generations by donating the property to NCC.

The Pourvoirie du lac Portage hunting and fishing club continues to offer the many activities for which it has become known over the decades. Its employees are happy to know that Rex found a way to honour the wishes of his ancestors.

Today, the Portage Lake property is the largest nature reserve in the Chaudière-Appalaches region and the second largest in Quebec. Thanks to the land’s beauty, the wealth of its wildlife and the quality of services available, the property has an excellent reputation among fishermen, adventure tourists, families and businesses. The outfitter is operated by a partner who is committed to the protection of resources.

Thank you to our donors

A project of this scale is only possible with generous help from NCC's partners, notably Rex Scott. We are grateful to those who participate meaningfully in protecting and showcasing our impressive natural environments. We owe our growth and successes to the vision, shared by our donors, of Quebec’s great potential for conservation.

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