Beaver lodge in Clarendon, Outaouais, QC (Photo by NCC)

Beaver lodge in Clarendon, Outaouais, QC (Photo by NCC)

Blanding’s turtle and beaver homes

Blanding's turtle (Photo by NCC)

Blanding's turtle (Photo by NCC)

Good neighbour relations are key to feeling good about your home and your neighbourhood. People share a cup of sugar, a ladder or Wi-Fi. When it comes to animals, while they may not invite each other over for BBQ parties, being neighbourly is perhaps even more important, as it can provide vital benefits.

The best neighbour of the endangered Blanding’s turtle is the beaver. It’s odd to think that these two species, which have almost nothing in common except a passion for swimming, are closely linked.

In the Outaouais, beavers are responsible for 90 per cent of the Blanding’s turtle’s habitat! In building their dams, beavers create bodies of water where there used to be only streams, creating an ideal environment for Blanding’s turtles. By settling on top of beaver lodges, these turtles can even sunbathe, which is necessary for their survival.

A beaver carries a willow branch across the water. (Photo by Steve Hillebrand, courtesy of USFWS)

A beaver carries a willow branch across the water. (Photo by Steve Hillebrand, courtesy of USFWS)

The trouble with neighbours is that relationships are not always smooth. Being subjected to the sound of a lawnmower at 9 p.m. or having your parking space taken by your next-door neighbour can lead to tension. Now imagine if the neighbour in question, say a beaver, caused flooding in your home. You might understandably be pretty upset!

Don’t worry, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has a solution for you — assuming your neighbour is a beaver, that is!

Municipalities and homeowners can install pipes through the beaver dam to allow water to flow naturally, while protecting the habitat for both the beaver and Blanding’s turtle. Simple to install, durable and easy to maintain, these pipes can give you everything you need to live in peace and harmony with your beaver neighbour.

To learn more about how to implement this solution, contact NCC or watch this video.

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