Île Deschailllons (Photo by NCC)

Île Deschailllons (Photo by NCC)

News Releases

  • Nature Conservancy of Canada says species feared at Halloween get an unfair bad rap and need protection
    October 31, 2022

    Everywhere you look are images of Halloween. Along with them are images of bats, wolves, owls, ravens, spiders and other commonly feared animals.
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  • The Nature Conservancy of Canada is seeking volunteers for a property clean up on Kettle Island in Gatineau
    September 14, 2022

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is seeking volunteers who want to get involved in the protection of extraordinary natural areas in the Outaouais. The not-for-profit conservation organization invites citizens to a clean up of the Gatineau’s Kettle Island on Saturday, October 1st.
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  • Discover the dunes and forest of the Malbaie Salt Marsh sandbar
    July 19, 2022

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has worked for several months on a major project to restore and enhance a landscape typical of the Gaspé coastline: the Malbaie Salt Marsh sandbar.
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  • Contribute to science with snaps from your smartphone
    July 18, 2022

    Over the August long weekend, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is encouraging everyone to get outside to enjoy and document the nature around them, in the name of science.
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  • NCC offers tips for eco-friendly agriculture on north shore of St. Lawrence River
    July 12, 2022

    Farmland bordering the marsh along the St. Lawrence River provides shelter and food for many birds. The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) joins forces with Conservation de la nature Québec to raise awareness among local farmers about protecting the birds that visit their fields so that both agriculture and nature can thrive.
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  • The Nature Conservancy of Canada expands area devoted to nature
    June 7, 2022

    For many years, Matthew Sanger and Mary O’Neill took care of their 25-hectare property, the equivalent of 158 NHL skating
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  • Spot a turtle on the road? Here's how you can help it
    May 17, 2022

    This is the time of year when turtles embark on their long journey, sometimes covering several kilometres, to find an ideal nesting site. The main problem is roads, as they obviously have no idea what a traffic light is and are unaware of the danger. Here’s how the public can take steps to ensure the turtles’ safety.
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  • From hatching to mating: The Nature Conservancy of Canada protects the wood turtle’s life cycle
    May 17, 2022

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is today announcing the protection of two critical habitats for at-risk wood turtles in the Mauricie region.
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  • This spring, Nature Conservancy of Canada suggests ways to help nature close to home
    May 9, 2022

    As the mercury slowly rises, many Canadians are making springtime plans for their lawns, backyards, flower beds and gardens. While “No Mow” and “Slow Mow May” have been tried by many people over the past couple of springs, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is encouraging people to find new ways to naturalize their yards.
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  • Pike River reclaims rightful place within heart of village
    April 11, 2022

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) joins forces with Conservation de la nature Québec to announce the acquisition of 33 hectares, the equivalent of 31 soccer fields, overlooking Rivière aux Brochets in the heart of Frelighsburg.
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  • Conservation group protects five islets on the Richelieu River
    April 3, 2022

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is acquiring five islets in the Richelieu River in the Montérégie region to ensure the future of the plants and animals found on them.
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  • Nature Conservancy of Canada offers tips on wildlife interactions
    March 23, 2022

    Early spring draws out animals who may have spent the winter lying low to conserve energy. Now, as snow melts and reveals more food sources, these creatures take the opportunity to find food and spring homes, wherever they can. That’s why it seems many people seem to see and hear more wildlife in their neighbourhoods this time of year.
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  • A new study identifies 25 water crossings requiring priority restoration in the Montérégie region
    March 21, 2022

    Over the past two years, 200 bridges and culverts in the Pike River watershed have been visited by the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC).
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  • Wildlife crossing under Route 117 completed
    February 8, 2022

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has held its promise made back in 2019 and has completed upgrades to a wildlife crossing parallel to the popular trail P'tit Train-du-Nord
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  • Nature remains a restorative force for the pandemic-weary
    February 2, 2022

    People are continuing to seek refuge in the outdoors to help cope with the stress and anxiety of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) says it is important for our physical, mental and emotional well-being to connect with nature.
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  • Rare orchid found near Quebec City spurs protection efforts
    January 18, 2022

    Nature Conservancy of Canada buys bog to protect water, rare orchid
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  • Montérégie family contributes forest to conservation
    January 11, 2022

    The Ryan family has owned the 88-hectare property for 200 years and they are happy to know it's now protected.
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  • Thor Vikström donates Laval island to conservation group
    December 6, 2021

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada is protecting another natural area between Montreal and Laval. hanks to a generous land donation by Thor Vikström, Île Ronde, a three-hectare island on the Rivière des Prairies, is now conserved for the long term.
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  • Pristine island added to protected lands in Estrie
    November 23, 2021

    Molson Island, the largest pristine island on Lake Memphremagog, is now protected, thanks to a donation from a local cottager. Andrew Howick recently donated the undeveloped 26-hectare island (equivalent to 24 soccer fields) to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). A businessman, family man and passionate about the nature on his island, Howick has spent decades pursuing his goal to protect this jewel in Lake Memphremagog.
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  • It’s that Halloween time again: Everything you need to know about bats
    October 26, 2021

    NCC, Zoo de Granby and Appalachian Corridor have put together a series of playful educational videos to raise awareness among children and adults about the problems that bats are facing.
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