Pointe-Sauvage (Photo by NCC)

Pointe-Sauvage (Photo by NCC)

Join the fundraising campaign to help protect the islands of the St. Lawrence River

Lac Saint-Pierre, St. Lawrence River, Quebec (Photo by NCC)

Lac Saint-Pierre, St. Lawrence River, Quebec (Photo by NCC)

Contribute to the conservation of the St. Lawrence River’s natural island and shoreline environments, for yourself and that of future generations! Donate today!

Your participation will help the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) protect these unique ecosystems, provide public access to certain islands and increase the number of conserved sites.

The campaign’s main objective is to protect the islands and shoreline areas, while making some of the sites accessible to the public. Its scope includes islands and shoreline environments throughout Quebec, from the Outaouais to the Magdalen Islands.


To date, NCC has protected 7,400 acres (3,000 hectares), or more than 100 linear kilometres of shoreline, on the majestic St. Lawrence. Our teams are hard at work to protect 30 new unique natural habitats by the end of 2020. We also intend to make them accessible to the public and invest in visitor facilities. The objective of the St. Lawrence River fundraising campaign is an ambitious one: $15 million.

Our campaign ambassadors

Three personalities associated with the enhancement of the St. Lawrence River have agreed to lend their support to this noble cause. We give our heartfelt thanks to Gaston Déry, vice-president, social responsibility, QSL (Arrimage Québec); Alexander Reford, director, Jardins de Métis; and Bernard Voyer, explorer, for their generosity and commitment to protecting this precious natural treasure.

Join us and contribute to the conservation of our invaluable natural legacy!

Donate today!

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