Fort William, QC (Photo by Claude Duchaîne)

Fort William, QC (Photo by Claude Duchaîne)

Stories From the Field

  • Hochelaga archipelago, QC (Photo by Immophoto-Patrice-Bériault)
    The Ensemble pour la nature project

    The Ensemble pour la nature project (PEPN) is a three-year, $15 million grant from the Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques (MDDELCC) to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), a not-for-profit organization.
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  • Lac Saint-Pierre, St. Lawrence River, Quebec (Photo by NCC)
    Join the fundraising campaign to help protect the islands of the St. Lawrence River

    Contribute to the conservation of the St. Lawrence River’s natural island and shoreline environments, for your own well-being and that of generations to come!
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  • Shrew (Photo from Flickr)
    Snow: A great winter ally

    To adapt to Quebec’s harsh winter conditions, plants and animals undergo considerable metamorphosis. For many species, snow becomes an important ally. This transition in the seasons represents a great opportunity to discover little-known aspects of species living on NCC’s properties.
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