Nebo Property, SK (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Nebo Property, SK (Photo by Mike Dembeck)


Wild prairie rose at Nebo Property (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Wild prairie rose at Nebo Property (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada's (NCC's) Nebo property is found in the transition zone that bridges boreal forest with grasslands. The property is located about 50 minutes, by vehicle, west of Prince Albert.

Nebo features mixed wood forest and wetlands. There are cleared pastures nearby. The landscape gently folds into balsam poplar, dogwood, white spruce, quaking aspen and even chokecherry shrubs. Rough fescue and northern snowberry are also found in this gently rolling terrain. Local ranchers occasionally graze their cattle here.

Ecological significance

The 178-hectare (439-acre) Nebo property is home to a diversity of mammals, waterfowl and grassland bird species.

Species at risk here include:

  • little brown bat
  • northern long-eared bat
  • olive-sided flycatcher
  • Canada warbler
  • rusty blackbird
  • horned grebe
  • western grebe

Waterfowl found here include:

  • green-winged teal
  • hooded merganser
  • bufflehead

Birds found here include:

  • gray jay
  • boreal chickadee
  • black-and-white warbler
  • great-crested flycatcher
  • dark-eyed junco
  • yellow-bellied sapsucker 

Mammals found here include:

  • moose
  • American black bear

The Nebo property is part of NCC's West Parklands Natural Area.

Land management objectives

The Nebo property is managed to maintain and enhance its natural values. NCC's Saskatchewan Region hosts annual Conservation Volunteers events here. Volunteers may help with recording the plants and animals found here. Or they may conduct a rare plant survey, de-clutter the area or maintain the fences.

NCC also works with local livestock producers by providing grazing leases during warmer months. When ownership of the Nebo property transferred to NCC, lessees of this ranchland continued to lease the land under NCC's ownership.

Public access to the property is by foot only, and hunting may be allowed with permission.

Nebo 01

(Click to enlarge)

(Disclaimer: All visitors to NCC properties do so at their own risk.)

Funding partners

The Nebo property was secured with the support of:

  • The Government of Canada, under the Natural Areas Conservation Program
  • North American Wetlands Conservation Council
  • TD Forests
  • United States Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Forest restoration on portions of the property made possible by Tree Canada

For more information about the Nebo property, contact NCC's conservation science and natural area manager for the West Parklands region of Saskatchewan.

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