Conservation Volunteers at NCC’s Hole in the Wall property (Photo by NCC)

Conservation Volunteers at NCC’s Hole in the Wall property (Photo by NCC)

Stories From the Field

  • Matthew with USask research assistant studying grassland bird habitat (Photo by NCC/Matthew Braun)
    How I learned to embrace the grass: Exploring OMB with students, artists and community

    Reflections from Matthew Braun, program director for NCC in Saskatchewan, on Old Man on His Back Prairie and Heritage Conservation Area (OMB).
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  • Last Mountain Lake, SK (Photo by Rob Dufty)
    A remarkable landscape at risk: The inspiring conservation efforts of Last Mountain Neighbours: Across the Fence for Common Sense

    Thanks to the combined efforts of the Nature Conservancy of Canada and Last Mountain Neighbours, 41 hectares of natural prairie habitat, including healthy grasslands and riparian areas in the Upper Qu’Appelle Valley, will be conserved.
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  • Crossmount Cider Company (Photo by Crossmount Cider Company)
    Sip, savour, sustain: Crossmount Cider Company is helping preserve Prairie grasslands

    Recognizing the critical need to protect the Prairie grasslands, Crossmount Cider has committed to sharing a portion of its profits to support conservation efforts in these unique ecosystems.
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  • Echo Creek restoration (Photo by Marla Anderson/ NCC staff)
    Restoring nature at Echo Creek

    Erosion along Echo Creek threatens further habitat loss and sedimentation. Learn how NCC is working to restore the area by rallying community volunteers and planting native shrubs and willow staking.
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  • Beetle collection (Photo by NCC)
    Little beetle, big project

    This summer, the Nature Conservancy of Canada held a leafy spurge beetle collection event at Willner-Elbow community pasture, where 50,000 leafy spurge beetles were collected in three hours among 12 people. That’s an average of 1,388 beetles per person per hour!
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  • Nokomis Craft Ales special edition (Photo by Jeff Allport)
    Cheers to colla’beer’ation for conservation

    The Nature Conservancy of Canada recently announced a colla”beer”ation with Nokomis Craft Ales, a brewery located in the rural community of Nokomis, Saskatchewan, who are pouring out $0.50 per can to support NCC initiatives.
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