Proof Strategies Inc.
Proof Strategies Inc. has supported the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) since 2014 by purchasing NCC carbon credits, and in doing so, has supported NCC's important conservation work in British Columbia. NCC sells carbon credits from the award-winning Darkwoods Forest Carbon project. Located in southeastern BC, the enormous 55,037-hectare Darkwoods property was purchased by NCC in 2008 in order to conserve its many critical ecological values. This world-class conservation project was at its time the largest single private conservation project in Canadian history and also hosts one of North America’s largest forest carbon projects. Proof Strategies Inc. offsets its corporate greenhouse gas emissions through purchasing the equivalent number of carbon credits from NCC, and is proud to be carbon-neutral since 2008.
“Significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a necessity for the world,” says Bruce MacLellan, CEO of Proof Strategies Inc. “Proof is voluntarily paying a price on carbon because it’s the right thing to do. Our team has a deep respect for the environment and we want to set the right example as an agency counselling clients on reputation, trust and branding.”
The Darkwoods project is certified under the Verified Carbon Standard and the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance standard. Darkwoods also provides many conservation benefits and protects habitat for at least 19 species at risk, including an isolated population of grizzly bear.
If you are interested in learning more about purchasing carbon credits from NCC, please contact:
Robert P. Wilson, Nature Conservancy of Canada
Office: 416-932-3202, ext. 2278