Marr Jack Property, Waterton, AB (Photo by NCC)

Marr Jack Property, Waterton, AB (Photo by NCC)

Foundations and Organizations

Blue Flag Iris (Photo by NCC)The support of foundations and like-minded organizations is integral to the work of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Thanks to their generosity and partnership, we are able to achieve greater conservation results.

View a full list of our supporters from the last fiscal year >

Featured foundations

The Wyss Foundation

The Wyss Foundation

The $1.5-billion Wyss Campaign for Nature was launched in 2018 by the Wyss Foundation with the ambitious goal of helping to protect 30 per cent of the planet by 2030. The Campaign is partnering with many organizations, including the Nature Conservancy of Canada, to safeguard the natural environment and confront the global biodiversity crisis. Read more >


American Friends of Canadian Nature Inc.

American Friends of Canadian Nature Inc.

The American Friends of Canadian Nature Inc. (AFCN) is a U.S. 501(c)(3) that supports Canadian conservation work with a focus on projects that benefit the U.S. as well as Canada. Since 2005, donors to AFCN have brought more than $20 million in support to important conservation work across Canada. AFCN has supported many projects across Canada, including in the Missouri Coteau in Saskatchewan and the Musquash Estuary in New Brunswick. 


South Saskatchewan Community Foundation

G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund

The G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund is a donor-advised fund held at the South Saskatchewan Community Foundation (SSCF). SSCF builds permanently endowed charitable funds for the changing needs and opportunities of south Saskatchewan communities, and provides grants in a variety of focus areas, including animal welfare, arts and culture, community development, education and scholarships, environment, health, social services, spiritual, and sports and recreation.

The G. Murray and Edna Forbes Foundation Fund is providing the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) a total of $155,000 over three years to fund restoration work on approximately 300 hectares in southern Saskatchewan in corridors that will reconnect intact grassland landscapes and/or restore habitat for species at risk.

Supporting NCC on our journey to lessening the negative impacts of climate change aligns with the priorities of the late Murray and Edna Forbes of Regina. These priorities include minimizing carbon footprint, habitat preservation and restoration, and related education activities.


MapleCross Fund

MapleCross Fund

Jan Oudenes and Isobel Ralston established the MapleCross Fund upon exiting their respective business careers in 2017. They have had the opportunity to travel widely. Whether hiking the Rocky Mountains, canoeing in Ontario and on the South Nahanni River in Northwest Territories, or quietly appreciating the forest on their own property, together they have developed an understanding and respect of the Canadian wilderness.

Isobel and Jan have become increasingly aware not only of nature’s beauty and splendour, but also its fragility. They created the MapleCross Fund to invest in and protect ecologically sensitive land, its natural features and biological diversity for generations to come.

Since 2019, the MapleCross Fund has made significant contributions to 12 NCC projects, helping protect a total of 5,700 hectares across the country. Examples include the Lac-a-la-Tortue bog in Quebec, Cockburn Island and Wolfe Island in Ontario, Lake Ranch in Manitoba, Buffalo Pound in Saskatchewan, South Wakomao Shores in Alberta and the Salmonier River Nature Reserve in Newfoundland and Labrador.


TD Logo

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation

TD Friends of the Environment Foundation has been a long-time supporter of the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC). Since 1990, TD FEF has granted over $1.4 million to NCC conservation projects across Canada, including Chase Woods in British Columbia and Yellow Quill Prairie in Manitoba.

Recently, TD FEF awarded $20K in support for NCC’s restoration of Upper North Saskatchewan Priority Conservation Lands and $28K to assist with the Conservation Volunteers program for both Central and Southern Alberta.

Thank you to the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for their ongoing support of our efforts in the conservation of Canada's natural heritage.


Weston Family Foundation

Weston Family Foundation

Since 1998, the Weston Family Foundation has granted NCC over $100 million to secure and steward 50,000 hectares in outstanding conservation projects across the country. Read more >


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