Strawberry Island, On (Photo by NCC)

Strawberry Island, On (Photo by NCC)


Sharon and Peter Butala at Old Man on His Back, Saskatchewan (Photo by Todd Korol)

Sharon and Peter Butala at Old Man on His Back, Saskatchewan (Photo by Todd Korol)

Partnership is at the heart of all that we do. We are grateful for our supporters who have been with us year after year, sharing our passion and vision for a natural Canada. Because of your generosity we are able to continually raise the bar for conservation and to accomplish our goals.

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Donor Spotlight

  • Shelley Ambrose
    Shelley Ambrose

    Shelley Ambrose, executive director and publisher of The Walrus, sums up what Canadians needs to know about NCC.

  • René J. Basque (Photo courtesy of René J. Basque)
    Actus Law Droit

    In 2000, René J. Basque, a New Brunswick lawyer specializing in corporate litigation and regulatory work was retained by the Nature Conservancy of Canada to help the charity purchase a tract of land near the Lower Bay of Fundy.

  • Marjorie Cameron (Photo by Nathan Elson)
    Marjorie Cameron

    Marjorie Cameron’s life-long passion for the Canadian Prairies is helping ensure a future for greater sage-grouse.

  • John Caraberis and Bonnie Bond (Photo by NCC)
    John Caraberis and Bonnie Bond

    John Caraberis and Bonnie Bond have been involved with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) as donors and volunteers for three decades. The couple helped establish the Pugwash Estuary Nature Reserve, now an NCC Nature Destination.

  • Jeff Cooke (Photo by Margaret Cooke)
    Jeff Cooke/Cooke Insurance

    Jeff Cooke first invested in the Nature Conservancy of Canada in 2015. His company engaged in a novel, three-year partnership with NCC through the Landmark Campaign.

  • Gary Doer (Photo courtesy of Gary Doer)
    Gary Doer

    Gary Doer was premier of Manitoba from 1999 to 2009. He legislated Manitoba’s commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and introduced provincial water protection legislation. He also partnered with the Nature Conservancy of Canada to establish a shared conservation funding model.

  • Sharon Downs (Photo courtesy of Sharon Downs)
    Sharon Downs

    Sharon supported both the Buffalo Pound project in Saskatchewan and Bunchberry Meadows in Alberta. She has also included NCC in her Will.

  • David Dubé (Photo courtesy of David Dubé)
    David Dubé

    David Dubé knows the stereotype: real estate developers are out to pave the world. But he’s made it his lifelong mission to debunk it.

  • Joan Feather (Photo courtesy of Joan Feather)
    Joan Feather

    Joan Feather is a hero for grasslands in Saskatchewan. She is a shining example of thousands of NCC donors who support our work from coast to coast to coast.

  • Areez Gangji (Photo courtesy of Areez Gangji)
    Areez Gangji

    At the top of Areez Gangji's list of charitable organizations is the Nature Conservancy of Canada. He makes flexible gifts to NCC, and NCC spends his donations on projects of greatest need.

  • Jack Gin (Photo courtesy of Jack Gin)
    Jack Gin

    Jack Gin's gift was combined with other generous donations and funding from the Government of Canada to create NCC’s Saaxwan conservation area.

  • Marianne Girling (Photo courtesy of Karen Girling)
    Marianne Girling

    Marianne Girling’s passion for nature and philanthropy lives on through a generous gift in her Will.

  • Lynda Griffiths (Photo by Nathan Elson)
    Lynda Griffiths

    Thanks to the support of a broad range of funders, including a gift from Lynda Griffiths, NCC has added the Next Creek lands to Darkwoods, expanding the property by 7,900 hectares (19,500 acres).

  • NCC Leaf logo
    Adam Harnett

    Adam saw NCC's Fighting for Canada television program and he joined the Protectors Club. "I am dedicated to NCC because they protect healthy ecosystems."

  • Tim Hartley (Photo by Wendy Hartley)
    Tim Hartley

    Thanks to the help of several generous donors, including Tim Hartley, NCC has worked closely with scientists and the surrounding landowners to better understand and protect the biodiversity of Kenauk.

  • Jim Irving (Photo courtesy Jim Irving)
    J. D. Irving, Limited

    NCC is grateful to Jim and JDI for their ongoing support of NCC’s work under the Landmark Campaign.

  • Hal Kvisle (Photo courtesy of Hal Kvisle)
    Hal Kvisle

    Hal Kvisle has nature in his blood. As the son of a biologist and dedicated conservationist, Hal grew up hiking and canoeing in the southern Alberta foothills and Red Deer River Conservation Region.

  • The Mickelson family (Photo by Taylor Roades)
    The Mickelson Family

    The Mickelson family came together to celebrate the late Bob Mickelson’s life as well as create a legacy that would commemorate the family’s presence in the Roblin community for more than a century.

  • L-R: John Patten, Robert Patten, Susan Patten, Allan Patten (Photo courtesy of the Patten family)
    Patten Family Foundation

    The Patten Family has been a generous NCC supporter for the last decade, first through their company, A. Harvey & Company Limited, and now through the Patten Family Foundation.

  • Ann Phillips (Photo courtesy of Ann Phillips)
    Ann Phillips

    When Ann Phillips joined NCC’s Saskatchewan Regional Board, she knew it wasn’t enough to give of her time and expertise.

  • Patrick Pichette (Photo courtesy of Patrick Pichette)
    Patrick Pichette

    Patrick and three other Canadian families became the proud owners of 20,234 hectares (50,000 acres) encompassing more than 60 lakes midway between Ottawa and Montreal. What’s more, he and his partners donated the funds that enabled NCC to acquire an adjoining 6,000-hectare (15,000-acre) corridor.

  • Nathalie Pratte (Photo by Mark Tomalty)
    Nathalie Pratte

    Nathalie Pratte was just three years old the first time she dipped her lure into the waters of Papineau Lake in Quebec’s Laurentian Mountains. That moment, shared with her father, started a lifelong family tradition.

  • Cathy Rand (Photo courtesy of Cathy Rand)
    Cathy Rand

    Having spent her career working in the public health field, Cathy Rand knows about the deep connection between a healthy environment and healthy people.

  • Raif Richardson and his sons (Photo courtesy of Raif Richardson)
    Richardson Foundation

    The Richardson Foundation was established in 1957, with environmental support serving as a pillar of its mandate. The foundation’s partnership with NCC has spanned almost 20 years, including the Landmark Campaign.

  • John Risley (Photo by Denis Duquette)
    John Risley

    John has continued to support a number of NCC projects over the years. He’s also a dedicated volunteer, having already helped raise funds as part of the Landmark, A Force for Nature and Natural Masterpieces campaigns.

  • Anne Robertson (Photo by Rose-Marie Burke)
    Anne Robertson

    It's good to get people out there connecting with nature.

  • NCC Leaf logo
    The Sadler Family

    When we first donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada in 1989, we were already in the habit of hiking at local conservation areas and parks.

  • Allan Shaw (Photo by Denis Duquette)
    Allan Shaw

    In a choice between nature and development, Allan Shaw chose to go green.

  • NCC Leaf logo
    Russell Smith

    When I first received The Ark and read about the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) five-year plan to raise money for wildlife habitat, it sounded like one of the best programs being done in Canada.

  • Scott Thomson (Photo Courtesy of L. Scott Thomson)
    Scott Thomson

    As president and chief executive officer of world-leading Caterpillar equipment dealer, Finning International Inc., Scott Thomson knows a thing or two about a unique value proposition. It’s what drives him to the heart of what he says makes the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) a win-win.

  • Brian Tobin (Photo courtesy of Brian Tobin)
    Brian Tobin

    Brian Tobin is the vice-chair of BMO Financial Group.

  • True nOARth team, clockwise from top left: Charlotte Sobolewski, Sandra Farwell, Kristin Jeffery and Colleen Whelan (Photo by Danielle Davies)
    True nOARth strong and free

    Colleen Whelan, Charlotte Sobolewski, Kristin Jeffery and Sandra Farwell have a message to share. And they’re willing to endure the near unthinkable to make sure Canadians, especially Canadian women, are listening.


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