Egmont Bay Natural Area, PEI (Photo by John Sylvester)

Egmont Bay Natural Area, PEI (Photo by John Sylvester)

Russell Smith

When I first received The Ark and read about the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) five-year plan to raise money for wildlife habitat, it sounded like one of the best programs being done in Canada. Also the fact that NCC has [helped to protect] more than 2.6 million acres of property helped me make my decision to donate on a monthly basis.

I now get The Ark magazine and updates by email, which keep me informed about wildlife and their habitat. This also details land that NCC has purchased or has helped to conserve in the different regions of our country.

The next best thing is making a donation through the year towards wildlife habitat in honour of somebody (i.e. like my brother and niece who love this country as much as I do and they receive a [Gift of Canadian Nature] certificate in their name).

I must also mention your fantastic staff who send me numerous items to give to youth groups such as the Boy Scouts and Girl Guide movements that can benefit from them and hopefully become more aware of your organization and what its represents to average Canadians like me.

I feel comfortable that the funds are well spent and its legacy will always be there and properly maintained.

I am proud to be able to help in my own little way to NCC.

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