
Summer 2019

NCC Magazine Summer 2019

NCC Magazine Summer 2019

Coming the week of July 1: Learn how to figure out your Nature Score, technologies that are empowering nature lovers and a species known as the harbinger of spring.


Letter from the editor

What’s your Nature Score?

Take the quiz and find out how connected you are to the natural world. Learn more >

Step back in time

Take a trip through 70 million years of our planet’s ecological history when you visit this site near Drumheller, Alberta. 

A caring nature

NCC monthly donor Bill Armstrong is always happy to help nature as a Conservation Volunteer. Read more >

There’s an app for that

New technologies like the iNaturalist app are empowering nature lovers across Canada to contribute to the science of conservation. Read more >

Western bluebird

Known as the harbinger of spring, the western bluebird’s song can be heard as the weather warms and wildflowers start blooming in western Canada. Read more >

Project updates

Expanding a coastal haven for birds in Nova Scotia; Alvar research in Manitoba; Using citizen science in Quebec; Natural Heritage Conservation Program.

A natural enthusiasm

After 20 years of volunteering with NCC, Bruce MacLellan, chair of NCC’s national board, is just as excited about conservation as when he first started. Read more >

Working for nature

Two different, yet equally wonderful, internship experiences with NCC. Read more >

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The Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine is distributed to NCC donors and supporters who contribute $100 or more per year.

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