A forest for all

American black bear mom (Photo by Gen Pintel/NCC staff)
"Bear!” My partner warned me, as I walked quietly with my head down after a long, hot day of hiking through a provincial park in southern Ontario. I didn’t see the American black bear that ambled out of the bushes a few metres ahead....
A partnership building hope for communities and a thriving natural world

The Keyhole, NB (Photo by Brainworks)
World Wetlands Day on February 2 is an opportunity to highlight the importance of wetlands and the value they provide. Canada is home to over a quarter of the world’s wetlands, and it is estimated that 70 per cent of wetlands in southern...
Snowy sleuthing

Backus Woods, ON (Photo by Gregg McLachlan)
Become nature’s detective this season and try to identify the tracks these animals leave on their snowy canvasses. Forests and open landscapes are great places to spot signs of wildlife. Forests offer thousands of species safe habitat; in...
A win for nature: A community’s determination for conservation in the Upper Qu’Appelle Valley

Last Mountain Lake, SK (Photo by Bill Armstrong)
The Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) newly acquired property in the Upper Qu’Appelle Valley — designated as Last Mountain Lake 1 — is relatively small compared to the other eight properties it manages in the...
Hands-on conservation

The best view you could ask for when taking a break for lunch, at Fyten Lea, AB (Photo by Taylor Glover/NCC Staff)
Conservation isn’t always a walk in the park. Some days, you’re trudging through mud, untangling old barbed-wire that’s long-outlived its purpose. Other days, you’re pulling stubborn invasive weeds, roots and all, or...
Reflections on our climate legacy

Hiking along Halfmoon Bay (Photo by Ellen Adelberg)
At the age of 60 something, in fall of 2016 I moved, with great excitement, from suburban Ottawa to British Columbia’s Sunshine Coast — the swiya (traditional homeland) of the shíshálh Nation. As a nature lover my entire...
Restoring Waterways at Black Bay

Black Bay, Lake Superior, ON (Photo by Costal Productions)
Growing up in Ontario, I have seen many diverse natural areas, but the North Shore of Lake Superior boasts the most beautiful landscapes and habitats I have ever experienced. And I am grateful to have helped protect and rehabilitate some of these...
Scaling-up restoration

Hazel Bird Nature Reserve, ON (Photo Chelsea Marcantonio/NCC Staff)
“We can do something big here.” That was my thought in spring 2011 when I looked across the rolling, sandy hills of what would become the Hazel Bird Nature Reserve in Ontario. At that time, I had been with the Nature Conservancy of...
Roots of conservation: A legacy of land and learning

Willson property forest (Photo by NCC)
Thanks to Phil and Kay Willson’s great generosity, a conservation agreement on their land, in the Rural Municipality of Spiritwood, Saskatchewan, was donated to the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) in August 2024. A conservation agreement...
We have forests to thank

Busenius property, Alberta (Photo by Kyle Marquardt)
We have forests to thank for playing many critical roles for nature and people Forests are habitat for hundreds of species, powerful carbon sinks, water filters, oxygen producers and places of community, connection, recreation and refuge....