
Out in the woods at Nebo

Pond at Nebo (Photo by Bill Armstrong)

Pond at Nebo (Photo by Bill Armstrong)

Having experienced several Conservation Volunteers (CV) events on Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) properties over several years, spending part of a day at the end of September on the 178-hectare (439-acre) Nebo property in Saskatchewan was a...

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Hide and seek in the city: Exploring Toronto's plants...with my phone

Using a smartphone to identify nature (Photo by Pixabay)

Using a smartphone to identify nature (Photo by Pixabay)

Having been on the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) editorial team for a few years, I’ve read countless stories from field staff and guest bloggers of various expertise. My job has nurtured my curiosity for animals and made...

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When seeing it isn’t enough

Milk River Basin Natural Area, SK (Photo by NCC)

Milk River Basin Natural Area, SK (Photo by NCC)

Photos can evoke emotion and connection. This is definitely the case with Canada’s natural landscapes. Think of some of the nature photos you’ve seen that make you pause: beautiful mountain vistas, crystal clear lakes, old-growth...

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Citizen science: Conserving nature and communities for mutual benefit

Twenty-four people came out to NCC's Dundurn property in Saskatchewan to learn about citizen science and land conservation. (Photo by NCC)

Twenty-four people came out to NCC's Dundurn property in Saskatchewan to learn about citizen science and land conservation. (Photo by NCC)

If you see a group of hikers with their eyes glued to their phones, do not despair. They are likely just using the citizen science app iNaturalist to identify species; you can literally smell the roses and then use an app to find out what kind of...

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Black bear versus trail cam

Black bear (Photo by NCC)

Black bear (Photo by NCC)

Last summer, Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Saskatchewan Region employees identified possible Canada lynx tracks on the Nathan Lang Memorial Property. This prompted them to find a way to monitor what species could be recorded on the property...

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Backpack Essentials: On the open road

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

Backpack Essentials (Image by NCC)

This blog post is part of the Backpack Essentials series, a series that explores the items that Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) staff carry with them when heading outside. It is inspired by the quarterly Nature Conservancy of Canada Magazine...

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Getting a fresh perspective

Fresh Perspectives photo exhibit at 10C in Guelph, ON (Photo by NCC)

Fresh Perspectives photo exhibit at 10C in Guelph, ON (Photo by NCC)

Pictures can capture the beauty of the world around us, evoke memories and feelings, and allow us to see nature in a different way. If taking and seeing photos of nature can do this for adults, imagine what it can do for children. Encouraging...

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Life on the tundra

Arctic poppy in the snow (Photo by Teva Harrison)

Arctic poppy in the snow (Photo by Teva Harrison)

Icebergs. Polar bears. Frozen expanses of windy rock & snow. Scurvy-riddled explorers. Dogsleds... What do you picture when you think of the Arctic? A few summers ago, I had the opportunity to travel north by ship into the Northwest Passage...

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Nature perspectives through art

Megan Quinn, conservation biology coordinator in Ontario (Photo by Charles T. Low Photography)

Megan Quinn, conservation biology coordinator in Ontario (Photo by Charles T. Low Photography)

I am not an artist by any stretch of the imagination. Don't get me wrong; I do like art. I was the high school student who spent her evenings in the art room, trying to build canvases that didn’t fall apart, and twist wires into the shape of...

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Sidney's paradise on the edge of the Moose Woods

Lucy Weston and her family (Photo courtesy of Lucy Weston)

Lucy Weston and her family (Photo courtesy of Lucy Weston)

To tell our story, you have to go back to November 1999 when I met Scott Lawrence, my life partner, on an idyllic beach on the Baja Peninsula, Mexico. I was hitchhiking with a girlfriend, bound for Costa Rica. Scott had motorcycled from Canada and...

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