
An osprey family affair

An osprey soars around its nest (Photo by Lorne)

An osprey soars around its nest (Photo by Lorne)

This journey of an osprey family, between early May 2015 and mid-August of the same year, is almost as much my journey as theirs. It begins as a young boy some six decades ago, when my maternal grandfather would pick me up to spend some quality...

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Four ways I’m making 2016 a year for nature

American tree sparrow (Photo by NCC)

American tree sparrow (Photo by NCC)

Ah, January! Time for a new year, a fresh start and a list of resolutions to be forgotten by February. Not so in 2016! This year, I’ve decided on a resolution that will not only be beneficial for my physical and mental well-being, but also...

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Photographic evidence that an island is worth protecting

Josh Noseworthy taking a photo of Governor's Island, PEI. (Photo by Sean Landsman)

Josh Noseworthy taking a photo of Governor's Island, PEI. (Photo by Sean Landsman)

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), as I’m sure the readers of this blog already know, plays a crucial role in conservation efforts across Canada. Through hard work and determination, NCC keeps ecologically important lands in their...

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My (grizzly) neighbours - Part Two

Grizzly bears attempt to corner a horse.

Grizzly bears attempt to corner a horse.

If you followed Part One of my grizzly bear chronicle, you'll know my motto to, "never leave the house without a camera." Over the years, I've captured many images, too many for a single posting so I have singled out bears as being the most...

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My (grizzly) neighbours - Part One

No need for coffee when you see this vision outside the kitchen window first thing in the morning. (Photo by Peter Shaughnessy)

No need for coffee when you see this vision outside the kitchen window first thing in the morning. (Photo by Peter Shaughnessy)

Never leave the house without a camera...and a spare battery. I learned that lesson well over the past 27 years while living and working in British Columbia’s Tatlayoko Valley and I will explain why. But first, where is Tatlayoko? It is a...

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Beyond the boardwalk at the Garry oak preserve

BC Garry Oak (Photo by Tim Ennis NCC)

BC Garry Oak (Photo by Tim Ennis NCC)

I’ve been wanting to visit the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC's) Cowichan Garry Oak Preserve since we moved here, but as an endangered ecosystem it’s not open to the general public. We’d wandered the (short) boardwalk...

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Connecting with nature: Early morning sun on water

Large-format camera lens (Photo by Wikimedia Commons, Image Gallery of the Agricultural Research Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture))

Large-format camera lens (Photo by Wikimedia Commons, Image Gallery of the Agricultural Research Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture))

Early morning and water: two of my favourite photography elements... Come meet me me this weekend at the Halifax Saltscapes East Coast Expo. I'd love to chat about the Nature Conservancy of Canada, photography and opportunities to...

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Photos enneigées : mes six meilleurs conseils pour de belles images de l’hiver

Lentille de grand calibre (photo de Wikimedia Commons)

Lentille de grand calibre (photo de Wikimedia Commons)

Cette photo a été prise le 27 décembre 2013, à Blue Mountain, près d’Halifax, en Nouvelle-Écosse. C’était tard l’après-midi, juste après qu’une petite neige...

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My snowy day...And tips for non-intrusive enjoyment of snowy owls

This snowy encounter was a long time coming, and it made my day. (Photo by NCC)

This snowy encounter was a long time coming, and it made my day. (Photo by NCC)

My moment with a snowy owl has been a long time coming. In late 2013 I wrote about my attempts to find one during the Guelph Christmas Bird Count and I spent many wintery days in 2013/2014 driving down country roads peering hopefully into fields...

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Tips and tricks for low light photography

1/13 F5.6 ISO 400 (Photo by Amy Anastasopoulos/NCC staff)

1/13 F5.6 ISO 400 (Photo by Amy Anastasopoulos/NCC staff)

A few years ago, I dropped my little Coolpix camera in the Lake Saint-Jean in Quebec while kayaking with my sister and cousin. Despite leaving the camera body, memory card and battery in a bag of rice for four days, my poor Coolpix was never the...

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