
A plea for conservation

Iceberg off of Maddox Cove, NL (Photo by Ronald Stone/Stone Island Photography)

Iceberg off of Maddox Cove, NL (Photo by Ronald Stone/Stone Island Photography)

Sir David Attenborough is a name that has become synonymous with conservation. Reuniting with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Natural History Unit, Attenborough and the BBC have come together once again to follow up their widely...

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Turtle crossing

Blanding's turtle (Photo by Gabrielle Fortin)

Blanding's turtle (Photo by Gabrielle Fortin)

We all know how the chicken crossed the road just to get on the other side, but what about the turtle? Well, for turtles it’s a wee bit different. Turtles have places to go, other turtles to see, so crossing the road is a big deal! Back in...

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Why did the turtle cross the road?

Minesing Wetlands (Photo by Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority)

Minesing Wetlands (Photo by Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority)

I didn’t expect one of the neatest experiences of my summer to happen while surveying the Minesing Wetlands for road mortality last June. In fact, I’d spent the day preparing myself mentally to have to make difficult observations of...

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NCC Creative Conservation Challenge: Mud Inspired 2015

My 2015 year in nature (Collage by Cameron Curran)

My 2015 year in nature (Collage by Cameron Curran)

There’s no question that I had a "wild" 2015. My experiences in nature encapsulated discovery, wilderness, adventure, learning and community building. Through these experiences, I learned an abundance of natural heritage and ecological...

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Reptiles and amphibians of the Happy Valley Forest

Red eft (the immature form of the spotted newt) are the commonest reptile in the Happy Valley Forest and crowd the forest trails during egg-laying time. (Photo by Dr. Henry Barnett)

Red eft (the immature form of the spotted newt) are the commonest reptile in the Happy Valley Forest and crowd the forest trails during egg-laying time. (Photo by Dr. Henry Barnett)

The reptile species in the Happy Valley Forest number 19. The area provides one of the last redoubts for the threatened Jefferson’s salamander. Red efts are common, red-backed and spotted salamanders will be regularly seen in the but the...

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Surveying turtles at NCC's Silver River property

Conservation Volunteers installing fence posts at Turtle Beach (Photo by NCC)

Conservation Volunteers installing fence posts at Turtle Beach (Photo by NCC)

The second week of August has been all about turtles for our team here in Nova Scotia! We had the opportunity to meet with Brad Toms, a researcher from the Mersey Tobeatic Research Institute, at the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s...

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Give a hiss on World Snake Day

A prairie rattlesnake neonate - note the triangular shaped head and yellowish-green colouration.(Photo by Wonnita Andrus/NCC staff)

A prairie rattlesnake neonate - note the triangular shaped head and yellowish-green colouration.(Photo by Wonnita Andrus/NCC staff)

The sun is just beginning to crest the grassland coulee slopes of Lethbridge, Alberta, but I have already been hiking for an hour. I am on the search for one of Alberta’s most feared predators. Its perfected greenish-yellow camouflage and...

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From the archives: Stories to step up your snake savviness

Eastern hog-nosed snake (Photo by Ken Towle)

Eastern hog-nosed snake (Photo by Ken Towle)

Did you know that July 16 is World Snake Day? While snakes may not be your typical poster child of all things cute and cuddly, they are fascinating and admirable in their own way. Celebrate snakes with us by learning about these slithery...

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Close encounters with one of Canada’s more mysterious turtle species: The leatherback sea turtle

Jen McCarter and leatherback sea turtle statue (Photo by Gabhan Chalmers)

Jen McCarter and leatherback sea turtle statue (Photo by Gabhan Chalmers)

We rushed down the dark beach, illuminated only by the moonlight, and struggled to keep up in the deep sand. Aside from the gentle lapping of the ocean waves to our right, everything was quiet. Our group moved forward, silent with anticipation....

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Conservation Volunteers helping protect snapping turtle habitat in Nova Scotia

Snapping turtle (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)

Snapping turtle (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)

Imagine if you can a wide gravel beach overlooking a small, tranquil lake surrounded by rich forests. As the sun rises on the horizon, a turtle breaks the surface to survey the surrounding landscape. This snapping turtle has recently come out of...

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