
Keep your eyes peeled for turtles

A baby snapping turtle, estimated to have hatched the morning when this photo was taken, spotted travelling from a busy four-lane road in Newmarket, Ontario. (Photo by Aileen Barclay, program manager for Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust and forest education specialist with the Regional Municipality of York)

A baby snapping turtle, estimated to have hatched the morning when this photo was taken, spotted travelling from a busy four-lane road in Newmarket, Ontario. (Photo by Aileen Barclay, program manager for Oak Ridges Moraine Land Trust and forest education specialist with the Regional Municipality of York)

Each year, from May until July, Ontario’s freshwater turtles leave the wetland or water body where they live and look for nesting sites. This means they often have to cross roads to get to their destination. Some turtles even see the...

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15 fun facts about Canadian snakes

Massasauga rattlesnake (Photo by Aaron Goodwin)

Massasauga rattlesnake (Photo by Aaron Goodwin)

Whether you're a snake savant or a citizen scientist, it's the time of year that our slithery friends are out and about. Here are some interesting tidbits about our native snake species to share with your friends: In Canada, the...

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Tales of recovery: Greater short-horned lizard

Greater short-horned lizard. (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)

Greater short-horned lizard. (Photo by Leta Pezderic/NCC staff)

I’ve been lucky to have seen many reptiles that are at risk in Canada. I started my ecological career at Point Pelee National Park counting Blanding’s turtles and map turtles. I’ve seen queen snakes poke their heads through the...

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Tricks in disguise: Fools and facts in nature

Self-portrait of a Celebes crested macaque female (Photo by Wikimedia Commons)

Self-portrait of a Celebes crested macaque female (Photo by Wikimedia Commons)

A friendly exchange of practical jokes and hoaxes often poses no harm, especially on such a day as April Fools’ Day. But there are some real tricksters in nature that will fool even the most attentive eyes and ears. On April Fools’...

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Don’t forget to brake for snakes

The western rattlesnake. (Photo by Stephanie Winton)

The western rattlesnake. (Photo by Stephanie Winton)

The Okanagan Valley, a hot spot for many at-risk species, is located in the south-central Southern Interior region of British Columbia. It is home to 185 wineries, many golf courses and fruit orchards, and an incredibly diverse landscape that...

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Get to know one of Canada’s rarest snakes

Desert nightsnake (Photo by W. Mason CC BY-NC)

Desert nightsnake (Photo by W. Mason CC BY-NC)

Working at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) has taught me many things, including the fact that many people are infatuated with snakes. Whether people are afraid of them, invested in protecting their habitats or enjoy learning about what...

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Working in my traditional territory

Naomi Jones (Photo by NCC)

Naomi Jones (Photo by NCC)

Let me introduce myself. My name is Naomi Jones, and I am from Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, also known as Neyaahsiinigmiing. It is a First Nations reserve on the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula. I am very proud of where I come from, and I...

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The story behind the carapace platform

Snapping turtle crossing the road (Photo by Olivier Cameron-Trudel)

Snapping turtle crossing the road (Photo by Olivier Cameron-Trudel)

On World Turtle Day (May 23), I will kick off a third season of carapace.ca. Since its launch across Quebec in 2017, the popularity of this online tool, which allows citizens to report the presence of turtles on roads, has been growing. Every...

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Nature's most devoted mothers

Polar bear mother with cub (Photo by Scott Schliebe/Wikimedia Commons)

Polar bear mother with cub (Photo by Scott Schliebe/Wikimedia Commons)

Every day, millions of mothers around the world work tirelessly to protect and provide for their young. This Mother’s Day, learn about 10 mothers in the wild and the neat ways they take care of their offspring. Refrigerator mothers Polar...

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Wetland contamination and turtle health

Snapping turtle (Photo by Pascale Bider)

Snapping turtle (Photo by Pascale Bider)

Between oozing mud, mosquitoes the size of golf balls and strange-smelling water, wetlands may not seem to you or me like an appealing place to live. But for most of Ontario’s eight species of turtles, wetlands are an essential...

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