
Something's Fishy: Life in the slow lane

Western silvery minnow (Photo by Karen Scott, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

Western silvery minnow (Photo by Karen Scott, Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada)

In my day-to-day life working in Canada’s largest city, I often find myself rushing from one thing to the next. People are always advising me to stop to smell the roses. I don’t like the smell of roses, so this unwavering, kind-hearted...

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Something's Fishy: Cat's got my tongue

<i>Channel catfish</i>, Fat Fish series (Illustration by Al Lau)

Channel catfish, Fat Fish series (Illustration by Al Lau)

Before all you cat ladies and cat fanatics start reading this blog, I need to disclose something: I’m a dog person. It’s not that I don’t like cats. Who couldn’t love their long whiskers and unpredictable behaviour? I just...

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How the Great White North can change the world: Canada's role in global biodiversity conservation

Powder Islands, Lake Superior, ON (Photo by Alan Auld)

Powder Islands, Lake Superior, ON (Photo by Alan Auld)

I still remember a time when thinking about conservation made me feel disappointed in Canada. During my undergraduate years at the University of Waterloo in the early 1990s, I learned about the pioneering work of Norman Myers and read subsequent...

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Something's Fishy: Redheads unite

Copper redhorse (Illustration by Jan Sovak, 1989)

Copper redhorse (Illustration by Jan Sovak, 1989)

Growing up, I hated my hair colour. I was teased relentlessly, often wishing I was more like my light-haired classmates and the kids lucky enough to be born brunettes. My mother would tell me how fortunate I was to be different, but as a kid the...

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Tracking wood thrush through Ontario forests

Adult wood thrush at her nest (Photo by Sue Hayes)

Adult wood thrush at her nest (Photo by Sue Hayes)

Each year, the wood thrush travels thousands of kilometres from its over-wintering habitat in the tropical regions of Central America to its breeding habitat in forests throughout southern Ontario. This medium-sized songbird, like many other...

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Lakeside daisy: The yellow jewel of spring

Lakeside daisy (Photo by Charles Peirce)

Lakeside daisy (Photo by Charles Peirce)

There is nothing quite like witnessing the beauty of flowering lakeside daisies across an alvar in early June. This brilliant yellow member of the aster family is found almost exclusively on the alvars of the Saugeen Bruce Peninsula and southern...

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Heard it from a Scout: The business of bees

Female squash bee on a male pumpkin flower (Photo by Margaret Chan)

Female squash bee on a male pumpkin flower (Photo by Margaret Chan)

Everything in our world is connected. So when you get a group of species dying at an extremely rapid rate, such as bees, it not only affects them, but humans and other species too. Pollinators provide a monumental impact on wild plants and crops,...

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Canada's role in preventing species extinctions

Greater sage-grouse (Photo by Gordon Sherman © Audubon Canyon Ranch)

Greater sage-grouse (Photo by Gordon Sherman © Audubon Canyon Ranch)

One of the most powerful tools of nature conservation in the 21st century is our ability to put the protection of Canadian species into a global context. By documenting Canadian species that are not just rare in Canada, but rare everywhere, we can...

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Something's Fishy: Shock me like an American eel

American eel (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

American eel (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

The electrofishing boat gently rocked against the current of the water below. It was a scorching summer day in late August on a tributary in Lake Ontario, and no amount of SPF could have saved my freckled shoulders from the sun’s...

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The wonderful world of sparrows

House sparrow (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

House sparrow (Photo from Wikimedia Commons)

When asked to picture a sparrow, I think a lot of us, especially city dwellers, think of the common house sparrow. Though ubiquitous across southern Canada, this little sparrow is not actually native to North America. This introduced species hails...

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