
Conservation 101 for urbanites

Garbage clean up at Percival River, PEI (Photo by Sean Landsman)

Garbage clean up at Percival River, PEI (Photo by Sean Landsman)

As a born and raised city dweller, I tend to jump at opportunities that allow me to experience the great outdoors — in all its glory. Connecting with nature has always been an important part of my life, from simple walks in the park to...

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From hot and buggy, to warm and fuzzy: Inspiration abounds at Conservation Volunteers events

Volunteers at the annual dog-strangling vine seedpod collection event (Photo by NCC)

Volunteers at the annual dog-strangling vine seedpod collection event (Photo by NCC)

In my five years working at the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), I’ve led countless Conservation Volunteers (CV) events. Working together, volunteers and I have pulled invasive species, planted trees, stabilized riverbanks and counted...

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Discovering the small but mighty butterflies of Carden

White admiral, Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

White admiral, Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

Volunteering has always played a big role in my life. I’ve participated in my fair share of volunteering for the environment, from tree planting to garbage cleanups. But the butterfly count I attended in late July, an annual Conservation...

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Tails from the Field: On the trail for wonder

The Forks Prairie Garden is a great outdoor classroom. (Photo by Thomas Fricke)

The Forks Prairie Garden is a great outdoor classroom. (Photo by Thomas Fricke)

There are many kinds of nature trails, for many kinds of nature lovers. Some people are happy to scramble over rocks, cut across shallow rivers or squeeze past thorny vegetation during their hike. Others prefer terrain that's a bit more level,...

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Top 10 invasive species to stop this summer

Man fishing in New Brunswick (Photo by NCC)

Man fishing in New Brunswick (Photo by NCC)

Our Canadian summers are short and fleeting. Warm and sunny days are best spent enjoying the outdoors and connecting with nature. While you are out exploring nature’s wonders, you can also help control the spread of invasive...

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Top 10 backpack essentials for any nature lover

Hiking gear (CC0 Public Domain)

Hiking gear (CC0 Public Domain)

Nature enthusiasts know there is nothing better than experiencing all of the sights, sounds and smells that nature has to offer. With an abundant variety of beautiful landscapes in Canada, it’s no wonder the great outdoors call to...

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Pointe Saint-Pierre: A site of natural splendour and heritage

Pointe Saint-Pierre, QC (Photo by NCC)

Pointe Saint-Pierre, QC (Photo by NCC)

With four months off between two university semesters, I had a decision to make: Would I work, or would I travel? I looked for work away from the Quebec City centre, and the best of both worlds offered itself to me. I could actually work and...

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Why take the time?

Bioblitz in action at Dundurn, NCC's newest property in Saskatchewan (Photo by Meghan Mickelson)

Bioblitz in action at Dundurn, NCC's newest property in Saskatchewan (Photo by Meghan Mickelson)

A first-timer’s experience with volunteering for the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC): It was a Saturday morning in June — cloudy and windy, as most prairie days are. My partner and I loaded up our gear and head off to pick up a...

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When shorebirds and super moons collide

Flock in flight at Johnson's Mills, NB (Photo by NCC)

Flock in flight at Johnson's Mills, NB (Photo by NCC)

The moon on July 12 was a super moon, a time when the new or full moon is at its closest point in its elliptical orbit to Earth. Super moons appear brighter and larger than regular moons, thus their nickname. This summer, the unusually high tides...

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Why I'm getting rid of my hostas

Hostas at my cottage (Photo by Dan Kraus/NCC staff)

Hostas at my cottage (Photo by Dan Kraus/NCC staff)

I love going to the cottage. We have a little cabin nestled between a hill and a lake near Algonquin Park, in the heart of Ontario’s cottage country. There are so many things I love about this place. Water, moose and amazing autumn colours....

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