
Something old, something new

Tending a community garden (Photo by Bob Nichols/US Department of Agriculture, Wikimedia commons)

Tending a community garden (Photo by Bob Nichols/US Department of Agriculture, Wikimedia commons)

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been enchanted with the magic of gardening. The way I see it, gardening has the power to give life and mark new beginnings, turning something old into something new. Better yet, there’s nothing like...

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Heard it from a Scout: How we can take a LEAP for the environment

Hiking allows you to explore nature and get moving! (Photo courtesy Scouts Canada)

Hiking allows you to explore nature and get moving! (Photo courtesy Scouts Canada)

No matter who we are, where we live or what we do, we interact with the environment daily. For children, nature is often a playground. For some adults, it can be a place of silent refuge. Regardless of one’s relationship with the outdoors,...

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My first month as an intern

NCC's 2018 Alberta Conservation Interns group shot (Photo by NCC)

NCC's 2018 Alberta Conservation Interns group shot (Photo by NCC)

Birds, barbed wire and brome, oh my! The first month of my internship with the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Conservation Volunteers (CV) program in the Alberta Region has been busier than I ever could have imagined. From...

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Why you should send your kids to nature's summer school

People spending time in nature (Photo by Joe McFarlane/iStock)

People spending time in nature (Photo by Joe McFarlane/iStock)

Ahh, summer. A break from backpacks and lunches, homework and bedtime fights. But under the relief, there is a niggling thought about how Jack/Jane will spend their summer, and about how ready they will be for school in September. How about...

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Giving the grass a haircut

Maymont 5 property, SK (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Maymont 5 property, SK (Photo by Mike Dembeck)

Last summer I gave the grass a haircut. It seemed like a strange idea, but I was excited to learn something new. As I arrived at the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Maymont 5 property in Saskatchewan, I was struck by the number...

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The return of the swamp forest

Conservation Volunteers planting trees at Minesing Wetlands, ON (Photo by Robert Britton)

Conservation Volunteers planting trees at Minesing Wetlands, ON (Photo by Robert Britton)

Imagine, if you will, an abandoned-looking farm in the southern Ontario countryside. You park your car and start walking into the back sections of it. After a while, you find yourself in a thickly grassed and soggy area with a tiny stream running...

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Welcoming our summer visitors

Canada warbler (Photo by Gerald Deboer)

Canada warbler (Photo by Gerald Deboer)

Spring at the cottage is so exciting. I have many clear memories of those first steps out of the car each year after the lake ice has broken up…The scent of trees coming back to life, humidity from breezes blowing across the waves, the...

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Fifty shades of green

Croatian coast (Photo by Gayle Roodman/NCC staff)

Croatian coast (Photo by Gayle Roodman/NCC staff)

“Holy smokes, this is stunning!” I exclaimed for the umpteenth time. “This is not at all what I was expecting.” I’m not entirely sure what I was expecting when my husband and I embarked on our self-supported two-week...

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Saving wonder

One of my most treasured photos of my kids discovering a turtle when they were little (Photo by Dan Kraus/NCC staff)

One of my most treasured photos of my kids discovering a turtle when they were little (Photo by Dan Kraus/NCC staff)

“I caught a turtle!” The call rang out repeatedly over the lake near Algonquin Park, where my family has a cottage. It was early, my teenage boys were still in bed, when the turtle-catching alarm came. It was from across the lake, in a...

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Environmental values: the heart of the matter

Sunset at NCC's Bunchberry Meadows, AB. (Photo by NCC)

Sunset at NCC's Bunchberry Meadows, AB. (Photo by NCC)

Why do we care? I’ve always been passionate about the environment. I love learning about nature, I love spending time outside and, most of all, I love to work toward saving it. Everything I do and every decision I make takes environmental...

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