
Maybe, sparrow, it's not too late

Song sparrow (Photo by Stuart Clarke)

Song sparrow (Photo by Stuart Clarke)

Neko Case is one of my favourite songwriters. Not only is she brilliant and multi-talented and have a stunning voice, she is also a strong advocate for the rights of women, Indigenous Peoples and wildlife. I am also passionate about these three...

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Slow down, and connect

Colleen Dale believes the best way to educate Canada’s future conservationists is by taking them to explore her favourite place in nature: Ontario’s Backus Woods. (Photo by Neil Osbourne)

Colleen Dale believes the best way to educate Canada’s future conservationists is by taking them to explore her favourite place in nature: Ontario’s Backus Woods. (Photo by Neil Osbourne)

Ontario’s Backus Woods is a stellar example of one of Canada’s most diverse life zones. Growing up in a time without the internet, Colleen Dale learned about nature the old-fashioned way: getting out into it. “I can remember...

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Heard it from a Scout: Arctic action — a call for conservation

An aerial view of the Arctic landscape (Photo by NCC)

An aerial view of the Arctic landscape (Photo by NCC)

Each unique landscape in this world — whether it’s a forest, prairie, desert or the Arctic — plays a pivotal role in nature. The Arctic, in particular, supports a variety of flora and fauna while also helping to regulate global...

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The future of conservation is female (Part one)

Jenna Siu (Photo by NCC)

Jenna Siu (Photo by NCC)

In honour of International Women’s Day (March 8), over the course of the month we will be celebrating three young women who work for the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s) Ontario Region. We will speak with them to learn more...

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Go wild for wildlife

Short-eared owl (Photo by Tony Campbell)

Short-eared owl (Photo by Tony Campbell)

March 3 is World Wildlife Day, an annual event started by the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 to help raise awareness and encourage the celebration of our planet’s wildlife. In honour of this occasion, here are some ideas for...

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Antlers of the East: Tracking the decline of the Atlantic-Gaspésie caribou (part two)

Woodland caribou at the summit of Mont Jacques-Cartier, tallest among the Chic Choc Mountains of Gaspésie National Park, QC. (Photo by Zack Metcalfe)

Woodland caribou at the summit of Mont Jacques-Cartier, tallest among the Chic Choc Mountains of Gaspésie National Park, QC. (Photo by Zack Metcalfe)

In part one of Antlers of the East, I discussed the decline of the Atlantic-Gaspésie caribou. Here is part two. Stand against extinction Since 2008, the caribou of Gaspésie National Park have been under the thoughtful study of...

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Something’s Fishy: Polar opposites

Polar bear mother and cub, Jones Sound, Nunavut (Photo by NCC)

Polar bear mother and cub, Jones Sound, Nunavut (Photo by NCC)

Polar bears are the largest bear species and land carnivore in the world. They are found in the Arctic, where they scour sea ice and coasts for their next meal. Two-thirds of the global population of polar bears is found in Canada. The...

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My bucket list adventure in the Galapagos Islands

Kristyn Ferguson in the Galapagos Islands (Photo by Jeff Verberne)

Kristyn Ferguson in the Galapagos Islands (Photo by Jeff Verberne)

For many biologists, the Galapagos Islands are usually near the top of their list of places to see in this lifetime. On my bucket list they were annotated with an “!”. When my mentor and good friend James Duncan passed away suddenly in...

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What ash trees and bumble bees are telling us

American bumble bee (Photo by K.S. Gardener/iNaturalist)

American bumble bee (Photo by K.S. Gardener/iNaturalist)

Black ash and American bumble bee are not species I thought we would ever need to save. When I started my studies in conservation over 25 years ago, bumble bees still seemed commonplace, and I thought of ash as a common tree that was great for...

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Nature's medicine

Medicine wheel (Image by NCC. Icons designed by Freepik from Flaticon)

Medicine wheel (Image by NCC. Icons designed by Freepik from Flaticon)

As a Kanien'keha:ka (Mohawk) woman, my connection to my culture and my community is as important to me as the water I drink and the air I breathe. I find my Indigenous roots in nature, where my identity is as deep in the land as the roots in the...

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