
A novice’s guide to a Christmas Bird Count

Bird count volunteers (Photo by NCC)

Bird count volunteers (Photo by NCC)

Scientific study and academia can feel a long way away from the everyday lives of most Canadians, but for anyone with a pair of binoculars and a passion for wildlife, there is an opportunity to join in on the largest and longest running citizen...

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Sudbury lakes are becoming less acidic

Common loons moult their feathers, starting at the base of their bills, before autumn migration in September. (Photo by Robert Alvo)

Common loons moult their feathers, starting at the base of their bills, before autumn migration in September. (Photo by Robert Alvo)

In my July 5, 2018, blog, I summarized my findings of over 25 years of examining the effects of lake acidification on common loon breeding success in the Sudbury region of Ontario. Although Sudbury's lakes have improved after decades of sulphur...

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Santa's large helpers

Caribou on Darkwoods, British Columbia (Photo by Christian Schadendorf)

Caribou on Darkwoods, British Columbia (Photo by Christian Schadendorf)

"Now, Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen! "On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, Dunder and Blixem!" Santa’s reindeer are kind of a big deal. They have important jobs, as they’re pretty much celebrities in the North Pole. Read on to find...

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Reigniting a love of insects

Monarch (Photo by NCC)

Monarch (Photo by NCC)

The love of insects can be a tough sell to many adults. Much like a fascination with dinosaurs, it seems that an interest in insects peaks during childhood and then declines for most people. Butterflies, however, are one of the few insects that...

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Close encounters of a furry kind

Plains bison (Photo by NCC)

Plains bison (Photo by NCC)

Confession time: I am not a cowboy. There, I said it! My Carhartts have a lot more house paint on them than cow manure. My farming background is in grains (I am a proud agro and I used to be able to unload on the fly, sort of like these guys), and...

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The importance of boreal forests

Boreal forest by Fort McMurray, AB (Photo by Michel Rapinski)

Boreal forest by Fort McMurray, AB (Photo by Michel Rapinski)

This past summer, the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) participated in the protection of the largest contiguous area of boreal forest in the world. This amazing feat was achieved in partnership with the Tallcree Tribal Government, the...

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Hibernation with a hiss

A drawing of a snake (Photo by Darwin Online)

A drawing of a snake (Photo by Darwin Online)

Snakes are such misunderstood creatures. Many people fear them, but that might be because they don’t know how awesome snakes are! Snakes are limbless reptiles with scaly skin. They are very diverse, with different sizes, colours and...

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If you’re Batman then I must be Robin, right?

Joe Poissant's (a.k.a. Batman's) office in the country (Photo by NCC)

Joe Poissant's (a.k.a. Batman's) office in the country (Photo by NCC)

I feel like there might be some real merit in an ecologist superhero movie. Hear me out before you rate me on Rotten Tomatoes. This summer I spent a couple of nights trying my best to help the Nature Conservancy of Canada’s (NCC’s)...

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Combating invasive species in a globally rare habitat

Leaders in Conservation in Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

Leaders in Conservation in Carden Alvar, ON (Photo by NCC)

On a hot and humid day this past summer, I visited Carden Alvar in Ontario with a group of Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) Leaders in Conservation. We meandered through the forest and stepped onto the limestone plain alvar, which stretched on...

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Three ways to get closer to nature

Busenius Property, AB (Photo by Kyle Marquardt)

Busenius Property, AB (Photo by Kyle Marquardt)

Canadians are more disconnected from nature than ever before. We spend more and more of our time indoors, and a large per cent of us live in an urban setting away from large natural areas. We’re losing touch with the natural world, one that...

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