
La tortue mouchetée: mon animal canadien favori

Blandings turtle (Photo by NCC)

Blandings turtle (Photo by NCC)

Pour ma part, c’est la tortue mouchetée qui a ravi mon cœur! Par la forme de son bec cornu et son cou jaune vif très apparent, cette espèce de tortue semble afficher un sourire en permanence. Hormis ce...

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La tortue musquée : mon animal canadien favori

Stinkpot turtle (Photo by Ontley, Wikimedia Commons)

Stinkpot turtle (Photo by Ontley, Wikimedia Commons)

Mon animal canadien favori est une des premières espèces en péril avec laquelle j’ai eu la chance de travailler en chair et en os : la tortue musquée! Mon intérêt pour cette petite tortue nocturne a...

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World Wildlife Day Round 3: Vote for your favourite reptile or amphibian species

World Wildlife Day: vote for Blanding's turtle (photo by Ryan M. Bolton), gray treefrog (photo by Ryan M. Bolton) or four-toed salamander (photo by Brian Gratwicke)

World Wildlife Day: vote for Blanding's turtle (photo by Ryan M. Bolton), gray treefrog (photo by Ryan M. Bolton) or four-toed salamander (photo by Brian Gratwicke)

These may not be your typical fuzzy and cuddly wildlife creatures, but they are no less important in their contribution to nature’s biodiversity. But just how do we differentiate reptiles from amphibians? Here are a few quick facts for the...

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The majestic leatherback sea turtle

Propelling through the water on a relentless journey (Photo by Canadian Sea Turtle Network)

Propelling through the water on a relentless journey (Photo by Canadian Sea Turtle Network)

When most of us think of turtles, we think of the little painted turtles that can be seen bathing in the sun’s rays on a summer afternoon on the edge of a pond or lake. Many may not be aware that here in Nova Scotia we have a frequent...

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Why turtles don't make the best roommates: A caution against keeping turtles as pets

Hatchling map turtle (Photo by NCC)

Hatchling map turtle (Photo by NCC)

At the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC), we often receive inquiries from well-meaning Canadians wanting advice about how to help the animals and plants they encounter in their daily lives. Case in point: we recently received an inquiry on the...

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My Wildlife World Cup matchup: Finals

Wildlife World Cup finals (made by NCC)

Wildlife World Cup finals (made by NCC)

There have been five rounds of voting, and after weeks of eliminations, two competitors remain. Our finalists will face off for the final time. This fast and furious round of voting will conclude Thursday afternoon, and the champion will be...

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My Wildlife World Cup matchup: Semi-Finals

Wildlife World Cup semi finals (made by NCC)

Wildlife World Cup semi finals (made by NCC)

After an intense month of voting, the Wildlife World Cup semi-finals will now commence! Thanks to everybody that voted for their favourite reptiles and butterflies. The winners of birds and mammals will compete for a spot in the championship,...

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My Wildlife World Cup matchup: Week 3 (+Week 2 results!)

Week 3: queen snake versus wood turtle

Week 3: queen snake versus wood turtle

It's time to announce the winner of Week 2! Despite some fierce, furry competition, the bobcat prevailed in the end. Thanks to everyone who voted for their favourite mammal. Check out our updated bracket, below. Vote for your favourite...

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Helping turtles cross roads safely

Snapping turtle on road (Photo by Tricia Stinnissen)

Snapping turtle on road (Photo by Tricia Stinnissen)

I see a large dark shape ahead. As I drive closer, I begin to make out a long, outstretched head and neck and an even longer, trailing tail and I realize that it’s a large snapping turtle. It’s sitting right on the white line of the...

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Turtle conservation: The land between the waters

Snapping turtle (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)

Snapping turtle (Photo by Ryan M. Bolton)

Many years ago I was surveying for endangered grassland birds in the treeless, sandy native prairies that straddle the Manitoba-Saskatchewan border. I came across a painted turtle walking determinedly towards...somewhere. The turtle and I were...

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